bantu buat soal pilihan berganda tentang giving instruction, please??
B. inggris
bantu buat soal pilihan berganda tentang giving instruction, please??
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban davinawidhi
Visit Beautiful Bali
Enjoy Bali's Beautiful Beaches Visit the art city of Ubud!
Stay in Asia’s finest hotels! Buy beautiful souvenirs! See Mount Umar! . . . and much more.
We’ve got it all! Come and see the art shops, the temples, and the exotic dances. Come and try our restaurant.
Call Citra Tour,
1.Who published this ad ?
a.Bali’s beautiful Beaches
b. Asia’s Finest Hotel
c.Citra Tour
d. Restaurant
2.What is being adbertised ?
a. Beaches
b. Temples
c. Ubud d. Bali
Read the SMS on the right
3.What does it talk about ?
a. New year
b. Better life
c. Successful life
d. Happy birthday
4.Where do you usually find this
instruction ? the truck
b.In the bus
c. In the ship
d. In the plane
Maaf Kalo Salah Dan Semoga Membantu ^^