B. inggris


present tanse terbagi menjadi 4 bagian yaitu:
1)past future tense
2)past future continuous tense
3)past future perfect tense
4)past future perfect continuous tense
jelaskan kegunaan masing" tensis tersebut dgn detail...

harus semuanya.....

1 Jawaban

  • past future tense
    expresses the ‘idea’ that in the past an action/event was predicted, planned, promised, expected or obliged to be done in the future of past, doesn’t matter if the idea is correct or not.

    past future continuous tense
    expresses the ‘idea’ that in the past an action/event was predicted, planned, promised, expected or obliged to be happening (being continued) in a certain period in the future of past, or while simultaneously another action/event happened or was also happening (being continued) in the same period in the future of past, regardless the fact that idea was not proved to be true.

    past future perfect
    expresses the ‘idea’ in the past that an action/event was predicted, planned, promised, expected or obliged to have been done completely before/ by a certain time in the future (of past), or before/while another action/event happened in the future of past, regardless the fact that the idea has not been proved to be true.

    past future (im)perfect continuous
    expresses the ‘idea’ that in the past an action/event which started in the past was predicted, planned, promised, expected or obliged to have been still being continued at some certain time in the future of past or while another action/event happened later in the future of past, regardless the fact that the idea has been proved to be false.

    jangan suruh saya jelasin pake bahasa indonesia yah. susah, soalnya di bahasa indonesia ga ada.

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