Percakapan complimenting untuk 4 orang percakapannya 20
B. inggris
Percakapan complimenting untuk 4 orang percakapannya 20
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban frazaa
A: Guys, I just made a bracelet, what do u think about it?
B; Wow, your bracelet is beautiful, A. Did you make it by your self?
A: yes, it handmade
C: Amazing! You are so creative, A.
A: Thank you, you too, C.
D: I love this pink bracelet, it suits me well. I also like the color too.
A: Just wear it, D. Try it !
D: really, can I?
A: Sure, here you are!
D: AAAA this bracelet is cute.
A: Thank you. That's bracelet also suits you well. You really look great in that.
D: Thank you
B: By the way, how was your bracelet competition, A? Did you pass it well?
A: Thank you for asking, B. Yep, luckily I pass the competition
C: Waaah ! Terrefiic. Well done, A!
D: yeah, you are so brilliant!
B: You arefantastastic, A! Congratulation
A: Thank you guys, you are too. And by the way, how about your math exam yesterday?
C: you mean the result?
A: yep
B: It worse
D: Mine is good. I got 8 on my math exam
B: Really? You are something D, may I congratulate you?
D: hahaha no, thanks. But, I am sure you can do it better on the next exam B
B: Thank you, how bout you C?
C: Mine is good, I got 9
A,B,D: WHAT? Congratulation C!
C: Thank you